The Journey of Ibn Battuta, “The Masterpiece of the Spectators of the Wonders of Lands and Oddities of Travels” – an artistic study
Author: Researcher Khitam Awad Ayed Al-Bashabsha |Pages: 20-70|

Received: 03-03-2021        Revised: 11-03-2021         Accepted: 03-06-2021

Abstract: This study aimed at demonstrating the most important objective and artistic manifestations that Ibn Batota addressed during his famous journey. The issue wasn’t only related to narrating the events, but he was interested in demonstrating the artistic features of his journey as well as highlighting the most important features of the aesthetic image that it contained, in an attempt to prove that his journey addressed several aspects, not just narrating events.


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The International Jordanian Journal, Aryam Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJJA) (ISSN print: 2710-3005), (ISSN Online: 2706 – 8455) welcomes high quality contributions investigating topics in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences .