Ways to Refine the Child and Student’s Language Outside the School Environment
Author: Dr. Safiat Kasaas | Pages:189-208 |

Received: 11-9-2022       Revised: 02-12-2022         Accepted: 11-12-2022

Abstract: Our goal, through this paper, is to search for ways to enhance and refine the language of the child and the pupil outside the school environment at home or in mosques and corners through the intervention of family members for the correct use of classical Arabic in all areas, especially if we know the current reality of the language that characterizes most Arab countries represented in the different dialects And colloquial Arabic coexisting with classical Arabic and bilingualism, and sometimes we notice the multiplicity of languages ​​for a single society, what are the most effective methods that can be followed to refine the language of the child and the student at home – outside the school environment – in light of this linguistic diversity and its difference.


DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10725338

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