Violence in the School Environment: Its Causes and its Treatment
Author: Dr. Fatima Zahra Shatibi | Pages:124-139 |

Received: 09-06-2023        Revised: 11-06-2023         Accepted: 04-09-2023

Abstract: Though modern technology has facilitated every aspect of human’s life, it has at the same time deprived him/her of security and stability by undermining the social ties that used to strengthen his determination. In fact, modern technology has reduced opportunities to communicate even between members of the same family who prefer surfing the virtual world to build relationships, leaving out family values and the guardianship of society. This confounding social medium has neglected the upbringing of children and adolescents and has failed to notice their dangerous behaviours which become rooted in them to due to their contact with Western cultures in which materialism dominates over ethics.


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