Received: 11-6-2019 Revised: 15-06-2019 Accepted: 06-09-2019
Abstract: The disposal structure works as a structure that helps movement in vertical or horizontal lines, within which a dense movement of significant rhetorical means is employed. A condition of disposal, and that the transformation that occurs in the structure of disposal takes place in the deep structure and is not limited to the form only, and the basis for the structure of disposal is to attract the receiver and draw his attention and maintain the sequence of his follow-up, and the meanings in disposal are taking each other’s necks and the connection is between the previous meaning And the subsequent meaning in the text by means of the occasion or the link between the two meanings through the context. In this research, I dealt with good disposal in language and terminology, and the difference between the rhetorical term good disposal and the terms digression and laconicism, and showed the relationship between them, in a study that included all rhetorical aspects.