The Role of Electronic Skill in Developing Human Resources and Its Implications for Improving Companies’ Performance
Author: Adnan Jirjes Mohammed Ameen |Pages:95-114|

Received: 15-12-2022        Revised: 17-12-2022         Accepted: 04-03-2023

Abstract: The current study aimed to identify the role of electronic skill in developing human resources and its implications in improving the performance of companies. To achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method by applying the questionnaire tool, which was distributed to the study sample members. The results showed that the arithmetic average of the responses of the sample members The study on the role of electronic skill in developing human resources and its implications in improving the performance of companies reached (3.16) and an effective role to a moderate degree. In light of the results of the study, the study recommended the necessity of seeking to establish a unified information system at the level of government organizations and working to create a wide communications network linking these organizations to each other.


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