The Policy of the Ottoman State Towards the Arab and Kurdish Tribes in Mosul after the Return of Central Rule to it in 1834 AD
Author: Dr. Saja Qahtan Mohammed Qaba |Pages:104-115|

Received: 11-6-2019        Revised: 15-06-2019         Accepted: 06-09-2019

Abstract: The Mosul area is considered one of the areas that attract the population, due to its geographical location connected to the mountains from the northeast and the plain area in the south and southwest… in addition to its abundant resources. Among the first tribes to inhabit Mosul in the aftermath of the Islamic liberation wars were the tribes of Taghlib, Iyad, Quraysh and Bani Tamim. The settlement movement continued in later periods, especially after Mosul entered under Ottoman control. Among the most prominent ethnic groups that inhabited Mosul were and still are the clans, as the city contained large numbers of endemic clans and nomads.


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