Meanings of Isolation Among Ascetics of The Second Century AH / Eighth Century AD
Author: Dr. Firas Muhammad Hussein |Pages 1-21|

Received: 06-09-2020        Revised: 09-09-2020         Accepted: 07-12-2020

Abstract:  This research seeks to review the concept of isolation among the ascetics of the second century AH / eighth century AD, and whether this isolation was complete from society or was it a corrective behavioural practice aimed at reforming society, focusing on the reasons that led to the isolation of some ascetics from religious, social and political factors, indicating the types The isolation of these ascetics ranged between complete isolation, partial isolation, or verbal isolation. The research was divided into two sections and a conclusion. The first section dealt with asceticism in Islam. It first included the meaning of asceticism linguistically and terminologically, and secondly the factors in the emergence of asceticism in Islam. The second section dealt with isolation. It included firstly isolation from the point of view of ascetics, secondly the motives for isolation, and thirdly the patterns of isolation. As for the conclusion It included the most prominent findings of the research.


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