The Foreign Investment Contracts According to the Jordanian Legislations
Author: Dr. Asma Mostafa Abdel Qader Ghnaimat |Pages:80-94|

Received: 15-12-2022        Revised: 17-12-2022         Accepted: 04-03-2023

Abstract: Legislative regulation of foreign investment is an important factor in attracting foreign investment; In view of the provisions, it contains related to all fields of foreign investment, and the regulation of the relationship between the foreign investor and the contracting state, in addition to defining the rights and duties of each of the parties to the foreign investment contract. In the fields of investment, which resulted in the emergence of foreign investment contracts. The development of international trade relations has led to the emergence of foreign investment contracts, which are characterized by the length of their implementation period, the privacy of their parties: the host country for the investment and the investor, the disparity in legal positions between them, and the affiliation of each of the parties to a legal system different from the other; The state is a public law person, while the foreign investor is a private law person. The jurisprudence differed about the legal qualification of these contracts; Is it a public law contract or a private law or is it an international contract. The study concluded that the foreign investment contract is a private law contract for several justifications, and its internationality or belonging to public law contracts cannot be said, in addition to the fact that the foreign investment contract must be regulated in the Jordanian investment law or the regulations issued under it due to its importance, and its legal implications.


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