Women’s rights in Jordanian commercial legislation and related laws
Author: Dr. Dima Matruk Aleawn |Pages: 1-29|

Received: 18-6-2022       Revised: 04-09-2022         Accepted: 11-09-2022

Abstract: Women’s right to practice trade is based primarily on commercial law, and thus trade law is what governs women’s commercial activities with its objective scope, represented by commercial businesses, and its personal scope, represented by merchants, in a manner linked to many other laws such as administrative law, civil law, social security law, investment promotion law, law. Private international law, criminal law and other relevant laws, in addition to a group of international trade agreements, agreements dealing with human rights, and agreements related to women. This is to enable women to practice commercial activities and entrepreneurship, to empower them economically and gain independence with their economic rights, to increase job opportunities for women, to facilitate their access to bank loans, and to remove barriers that hinder women’s progress, starting from discriminatory laws, all the way to unfair participation in bearing the burdens of home and family care. Here we discuss This demand includes women’s rights in national commercial legislation.

DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10691448

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