The Effect of Administrative Leadership on Organizational Creativity in Application to Omdurman Islamic University
Author: Dr. Ikhlas Ahmed Muhammad Ali , Dr. Iman Mohamed Abdel Mahmoud Habib, Dr. Hamza Abdullah Abdul Rahman Yahya |Pages:29-40|

Received: 24-03-2020        Revised: 28-03-2020         Accepted: 09-06-2020

Abstract: The study dealt with the impact of administrative leadership on organizational creativity. case study of Omdurman Islamic University, where the problem of the study was a question by a t. What is the impact of administrative leadership on organizational creativity? The administrative  leaderships of institutions in reaching the stage of organizational creativity, the study adopted the analytical descriptive approach and the primary data for the study was collected through the questionnaire tool, the study reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the university leadership t The employees participated in some leadership matters and took their opinions, the university has an interest in training human frameworks within the country, the university leadership has an interest in providing a modern communication network, In light of these results, the researchers presented a set of recommendations, including granting workers, especially faculty members, more powers that enable them to act in situations that confront them, increasing interest in training human frameworks by sending them abroad for further development.


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