The degree of availability of comprehensive quality standards in Arabic language textbooks for the first three grades from the point of view of teachers
Author: Researcher Ayisha Judih Rashid Alshahadat |Pages:57-93|

Received:02-09-2021        Revised: 11-09-2021         Accepted: 07-12-2021

Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the degree of the comprehensive quality standards’ availability in the Arabic language books of the first three basic grades from the perspective of the teachers in the Directorate of Education of the Central Valley (Al-Aghwar Al- Wusta), In addition to knowing whether gender, scientific qualifications and years of experience influence teachers’ assessments of the availability of these standards. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the descriptive survey was used. The sample consisted of (185) male and female teachers, while its instrument was a questionnaire consisting of (80) paragraphs placed in (6) areas. The results showed that the overall availability of the comprehensive quality standards in the books was very high, with an arithmetic average of 3.85. As for the order of fields, the field of “pictures and drawings” came first, followed by “learning outcomes”, “technical outputs “, “assessment activities “, “book introductions”, and finally, the scope of the books’ contents, with a great degree of availability in all of them. As well as, In the light of the results, the study presented several recommendations, the most important of which is to increase the attention on the paragraphs which have a moderate availability in the quality standards, such as the paragraph related to meeting the needs of society and solving its problems.


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