The Degree of Availability of the Elements of An Agile organization In the Schools of Al Sharqiyah South Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman in Light of Some Contemporary Models
Author: Walyad Bin Fayl Bin Rashd Alearimyi | Pages: 179-218 |

Received: 09-09-2023        Revised: 11-09-2023         Accepted: 08-12-2023

Abstract: The present study aimed to identify the degree of availability of the elements of an agile organization in the schools of Al Sharqiyah South Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman in light of some contemporary models, study used a descriptive method, also used the questionnaire to collect data and information were applied to a sample of (290) teachers. The results of the study reached that the degree of availability of the elements of an agile organization in the schools of Al Sharqiyah South Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman in light of some contemporary models was came generally high degree ; They also came high degree in Fields Integration, Team Building, Quality, Change, Marketing and Well-Being; While it was moderate in the dimensions of competency, technology, partnerships and education and training; Results also showed that there were no significant differences at (α ≤ 0.05) in the study variables which are academic level and years of experience,  As for the sex variable, found these differences for the benefit of Females, and in the job title variable, in favor of the job of a teacher.


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