Take Issue With Tendency Towards Tribalism And Rebellion In Pre-Islamic Poetry
Author: Dr. Bin Musahil Baya | Pages: 21-32 |

Received: 09-06-2023        Revised: 11-06-2023         Accepted: 04-09-2023

Abstract:The social structure of Arab society in the pre-Islamic era constitutes an important entry point in revealing the meaning of pre-Islamic poetry, which had a major role in expressing the aspirations of pre-Islamic life, its conditions and hopes, even though the tribe represented a major axis in this desert life and delineated a social system that did not recognize independence and personality. Individualism, but rather tribal fanaticism, which establishes the individual’s legitimacy for survival – and protects his identity from extinction within the environmental and historical challenges – has emerged.

DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10568949

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