Stages of urban expansion of the city of Nasiriyah and its future prospects
Author: Dr. Abbas Fadel Obaid Al-Azergawi, Dr. Sami Jallab Mansi Al-Sahlani |Pages: 170-187|

Received: 03-03-2021        Revised: 11-03-2021         Accepted: 03-06-2021

Abstract: The phenomenon of urban expansion and the increase of housing for cities has no limits. It is possible that its expansion will continue even if all members of society become urban, in order to meet the increase in their number. The expansion of cities is the result of the natural increase of their population and as a result of the arrival of residents from the surrounding rural areas and other urban areas, and even if Migration finally, urban expansion continues as long as there is a natural increase in the city’s population, an increase in their urban requirements for services, and a change in the administrative and municipal boundaries of the city.


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