Spatial analysis of drinking water services indicators in Al Khader city for the year 2020
Author: Dr. Samie Jalaab Mansiun Alsahlaniu, Researcher Hamad Daboul Mahawish Al-Khazali |Pages: 110-141|

Received: 03-03-2021        Revised: 11-03-2021         Accepted: 03-06-2021

Abstract: The study aims to evaluate the indicators and quality of wastewater in Al Khader city according to objective and laboratory indicators (chemical, physical and bacteriological characteristics) of drinking water in Al Khader city, as these properties are very high in all Al Khader city stations before treatment and after treatment, except for the Al Khader desalination plant. (RO) as those stations recorded higher than the permissible rate according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Iraqi specifications, and this rise made the liquefied water in the study area unpalatable and unfit for drinking, and the study showed high values ​​of most of the physical and chemical characteristics.


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