Received: 08-9-2019 Revised: 12-09-2019 Accepted: 04-12-2019
Abstract: The desert changes every moment, it is formed in every moment, a world in the stage of continuous formation, with these phrases the desert is evident according to Abd al-Rahman Munif. As long as retreat is impossible, it is not necessary to preoccupy yourself with anything other than the best way to progress, despite the hardship of travel and the emotional sterility that accompanies it, but it is required to transcend this visible reality in order for unity to occur in the spirit of the place that is embodied in “faithfulness to the laws of nature that civilization has not contaminated, while civilization brings with it competition.” In settlement and residential construction in homes, and these luxurious luxury values are superfluous from necessity, and superfluous from nature.” Saeed Al-Ghanmi, The Extreme Borders Epic, 2000, vol. 1, p. 158.