Obstacles facing the school administration in implementing the blended education system in the Directorate of Education of the Sahab Brigade from the point of view of school principals and their assistants
Author: Alia Ahmed Abed Abu Al-Saud |Pages: 39-56|

Received:02-09-2021        Revised: 11-09-2021         Accepted: 07-12-2021

Abstract: This study aimed to identify the obstacles facing the school administration in implementing the blended education system in the Directorate of Education in Sahab Brigade from the point of view of school principals according to the study variables (educational qualification, number of years of experience). It was distributed among (36) principals of public schools in the Directorate of Education of the Sahab Brigade, and its validity and reliability were confirmed by a committee of specialized arbitrators. ) and a standard deviation (1.10), and all paragraphs of the study tool came with average arithmetic averages, that is, all the paragraphs of the questionnaire were considered as obstacles, and the lack of school infrastructure, which would support the techniques necessary for teaching by blended learning, is one of the biggest obstacles that prevent the application of blended learning on In addition to the lack of the Internet in the school constantly. The results also showed the presence of statistically significant differences in the school principals’ viewpoints about the obstacles facing the school administration in applying the blended education system in the Sahab Brigade Education Directorate according to the variable of the principal’s academic qualification and in favor of (postgraduate studies), in addition to the presence of statistically significant differences in the principals’ viewpoints. Schools about the obstacles facing the school administration in implementing the blended education system in the Sahab District Education Directorate according to the variable years of experience and in favor of (5-10 years) (more than ten years). The study recommended reconsidering the infrastructure of schools and providing them with modern technologies that enable the application of the blended education system within public schools and the provision of classrooms prepared for integrating education and equipped in a way that keeps pace with modern technologies used in integrating education

DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10671103

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