Manuscript Submission
Submission of manuscripts and publication of articles in
International Jordanian journal Aryam for humanities and social sciences; IJJA, all correspondence, pertaining to the submitted manuscript takes place by email ( This includes notification of receipt and editorial board’s decisions.
Author(s) should use the IJJA email ( submission system to upload the following documents:
- A blind copy (no author information) of the manuscript as a single MS Word file – including all texts, tables, graphics and figures – prepared using the IJJA MS Word template for manuscript preparation.
- A file named “authors’ details” that contains authors’ names, their full affiliations and contact details.
- The signed transfer of copyright agreement.
- All the original figures (with high resolution and quality; i.e. > 450 dpi.).
- Should the manuscript contain EXCEL charts (those must be original and not pictures), they must be uploaded separately.
Issn Online
Impact Factor: (1.705)
International Jordanian journal Aryam for humanities and social sciences; IJJA publishing journal committed towards providing a platform to outstanding scientists and researchers to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of Humanities and Social Sciences. Issued by the Jordanian Center for Research and Studies.
Issn Online (3006-7286) sequential with Issn Online (2706-8455).