Journal ID

  • Full name        : International Jordanian journal Aryam for humanities and social sciences.
  • Short name                       : IJJA Journal
  • Area of concentration       : Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Frequency of publishing   : Four Issues a year, Ten Research Papers in Each Issue.
  • Language of publication   : English, Arabic, French.
  • Publisher                            : Jordanian Center for Research and Studies, Aryam
  • Country                              : Jordan.

Issn Online

Impact Factor: (1.705)

International Jordanian journal Aryam for humanities and social sciences; IJJA publishing journal committed towards providing a platform to outstanding scientists and researchers to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of Humanities and Social Sciences. Issued by the Jordanian Center for Research and Studies.

Issn Online (3006-7286) sequential with Issn Online (2706-8455), Issn Print (2710-3005).