Evaluating the dimensions of the quality of medical services from the point of view of employees
Author: Ms. Zeinab Abdl Nabi Abdi Asalam Aelgaddafi | Pages: 127-146 |

Received: 19-3-2022       Revised: 09-05-2022         Accepted: 09-06-2022

Abstract: This research deals with the availability of the dimensions of medical services quality at Tripoli central hospital, whereas it aims to identify this availability and how personnel area aware of such quality dimensions. The research adopted the survey descriptive approach that brings description and analysis of primary data together, and which were collected by a special prepared survey, distributed across the research community of (1643) individuals including doctors, nurses and technicians working inside Tripoli central hospital, whereas doctors were 663, nurses and technicians were 980 people. An appropriate and random stratified sample was taken from this research community as (93) doctors and (137) nurses and technicians, and so the analysis process of the research primary data concluded a number of the most important results There is an increase in the level of practicing the dimensions of medical services quality from the personnel’s point of view, and that’s for both (Safety – Empathy) dimensions.

DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10694446

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