Energy in Libya and its Role in Sustainable Development between Reality and Expectations)
Author: Dr. Ihab Abdel Razzaq Alnas |Pages: 71-102|

Received: 08-9-2019        Revised: 12-09-2019         Accepted: 04-12-2019

Abstract: The importance of energy to the Libyan state is growing due to its vast area, which is estimated at 1,760,000 km2, and urbanization only occupies a rate of no more than five percent, as the majority of the population is concentrated in the (main) coastal cities where services are available, and they look forward to new cities for housing. And for work and for production projects, and all of this needs energy, whether for household or production purposes, or for various life affairs. Although Libya is an energy-producing country, especially traditional sources (oil and gas), the volume of demand is increasing every day, and therefore energy .


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