Diplomatic Bag Courier and his Immunities in International Law
Author: Dr. Khaled Abdul Qader Mansour Al-Toumi: 32- 85 |

Received: 24-12-2019        Revised: 09-01-2020         Accepted: 06-03-2020

Abstract:This study presents three basic topics, and for each of the two topics has its own approaches; The rooting methodology for the subject of the study; Taking into consideration the analysis of the status of the situation of Diplomatic Couriers; Which is one of the most important means of communication that can be used in diplomatic correspondence. The Diplomatic Bag is usually accompanied by a Carrier, due to Diplomatic communication is the primary means by which a diplomatic mission can perform its functions; As well as the Consulates located in the territory of the State in which they are accredited, thus allowing them to freely communicate in general with all official purposes in diplomatic work with any party; The matter Which led us to discuss these legal privileges and immunities, Which will be explained Via: the gist of the Diplomatic Immunity, And the legal basis of the Diplomatic bag Courier, And the legal status of the Diplomatic bag Courier.

DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10613289

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