Developing a Social-Emotional Learning program for preschooler
Author: Dr. Soumaya ES-SAOUABI, Samira HADJI | Pages: 134-154 |

Received: 15-12-2022        Revised: 17-12-2022         Accepted: 04-03-2023

Abstract: The development of social-emotional skills through early childhood has special importance regarding the developmental rate on this period and the great learning opportunities allowing him to fully develop in a harmonious way. Several researchers affirm the important place of socio-emotional skills in building the foundations of a healthy and balanced personality and in the long-term success of individuals. Therefore, intervening from preschool age to develop these skills is necessary to optimize the child’s development and prevent possible problems linked to the lack of these skills. Our research will focus on the development of socio-emotional skills in preschool children by first aiming to draw up an inventory and measure this development in a sample of 103 children spread over 4 preschool schools and then, secondly, to intervene to develop these skills using an intervention program based on interactive stories and playful activities. The results showed a great involvement of the children with the content of the program which positively contributed to the development of their socio-emotional skills.


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