Community Development Between the End and the Means
Author: Dr. Khaled Abdel Qader Al-Toumi |Pages: 69-90|

Received: 24-03-2020        Revised: 28-03-2020         Accepted: 09-06-2020

Abstract :   This study presents three main approaches; The rooting methodology for the subject of the study; Taking into account the analysis of the status of building a knowledge society; which is today one of the priorities of the civilized world in all its aspects and dimensions. One of the priorities of building a knowledge society is to define goals. The nucleus on which development is based to determine the appropriate means for the development of the individual “The component element for society” This made States harness all the available resources in the service of the goals they have entered for development, which can promote the output of the whole community; Which prompted us to discuss these facts, through defining the concept and dimensions of development, and also in the concept of community development, which is allow us thus conclude that the nucleus on which development is based; It is the development of the Individuals of any society. And from this point on, the developed countries have paid special attention in community development research and development programs, by providing the appropriate scientific environment in which scientific development can grow and flourish, for this purpose, the funds necessary to provide laboratory equipment have been allocated and the scientific equipment that researchers need in their various specialties.


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