Communication: le Tourisme Saharien en Algérie : Opportunités et Contraintesau Développement Socioéconomique.
Author: Dr. Safia Zourdani |Pages: 10-42|

Received: 08-9-2019        Revised: 12-09-2019         Accepted: 04-12-2019

Abstract: One of the seventeen goals of sustainable development identified by the United Nations by 2030 is tourism. The latter is considered a good multidimensional indicator on the economic, social and political levels. In Algeria, Saharan tourism has a very important potential because of the various material and immaterial deposits that exist. This article tries to highlight the importance of Saharan tourism in Algeria on one side; and tries to find elements of answers to the real constraints that slow down the development of the sector and thus saves a loss of development opportunity, some on the other side, in the context of a socioeconomic environment in full change.


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