Instructions on Manuscript’s Preparation
- IJJA publishes only articles with full text in English, or articles written in Arabic and French, provided that the article title, abstract, keywords, and references are written in English. They must be original work that is not published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or an academic thesis. Articles will not be published unless they are approved by all authors; if accepted, they cannot be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the publisher. Authors, who deliberately infringe or violate originality and copyright guidelines, shall not be considered for future publication in IJJA.
- The corresponding author should be identified and his full contact details – including his postal and e-mail addresses – must be provided.
- The corresponding author must obtain the consent of all co-authors to submit their manuscript to IJJA. He should print out the transfer of copyright agreement, have it filled out, signed on behalf of all co-authors, scanned and uploaded to the Journal’s online submission system.
- IJJA welcomes the following types of manuscripts: i) original research manuscripts (up to 8,000 words); ii) review manuscripts (up to 10,000 words) and iii) technical notes (up to 3,000 words).
- The following IJJA article’s structure must be followed: title, authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, main text, conclusions, acknowledgements (including those for grant and financial support), appendices and references. Figures and tables must be incorporated into the manuscript’s body.
- The material submitted for publication must be original, unpublished, and not concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere.
- The first page of the research article should include the complete title, author’s name, academic rank, institution, and email address.
- The research article should include an English abstract with keywords.
- The length of the research article should be between 7 and 20 pages, including the bibliography, tables, and charts. It should be formatted in Microsoft Word with 2-centimeter margins and single-spaced lines.
- For Arabic research articles, the body text should be in 13-point Simplified Arabic font, while the main title and subtitles should be in 20-point bold font and 16-point bold font, respectively. For the Latin script, use 12-point Times New Roman font for the body and 14-point bold font for the main title.
- The recommended documentation style for writing is the 7th edition of the APA style guide (
All research projects will be reviewed through a blind peer-review process.
The journal routinely screen article submissions for plagiarism.
- Researchers will be notified by email upon receiving their research projects. They will also be informed of the review process and requested to submit revisions if necessary.
Issn Online
Impact Factor: (1.705)
International Jordanian journal Aryam for humanities and social sciences; IJJA publishing journal committed towards providing a platform to outstanding scientists and researchers to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of Humanities and Social Sciences. Issued by the Jordanian Center for Research and Studies.
Issn Online (3006-7286) sequential with Issn Online (2706-8455).