Anthropology of Holiness, Guardianship and Visiting Shrines in Western Sahara. A Theoretical Approach and a Field Study.
Author: Dr. Mohammed Al-Dahmi |Pages: 162-196|

Received: 01-3-2019        Revised: 08-03-2019         Accepted: 02-06-2019

Abstract: The interest in the field of holiness, including visiting shrines, is realistically justified, because despite the changes and transformations of desert society, the belief in the blessing of parents and ancestors still inhabits the collective imagination, and is diffused in the field, and its influence is clear in building and justifying many strategies. individual and collective. The focus on the field of symbolic production and management of the life of society falls within the framework of an understanding that considers that the bets of conflict and social scramble are not always and necessarily economic. Also, the question about the modalities by which the sacred is lived and invested is necessary to realize and represent this concept, because the experience in which the relationship between the sacred and the mundane is tested becomes an entry point for understanding the social dimensions of managing relationships of power and meaning. Hence the positioning in the social reality that is immersed in representations and symbols.


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