A spatial analysis of indicators of solid waste disposal in the city of Al-Gharraf and its future prospects
Author: Dr. samie jalaab mansiun alsahlaniu, Sajid Ahmed Humaidan Al-Aboudi |Pages: 63-95|

Received:03-01-2021        Revised: 06-01-2021         Accepted: 03-03-2021

Abstract: The city consists of (land, population, and services) that interact with each other, and this interaction creates a state of complexity and overlap between its components, and in light of this it is necessary to pay attention to city services in general and solid waste disposal services in particular, because they are the basis of urban growth (population and urban). The research relied on the quantitative nature in analyzing the solid waste disposal indicator in the city of Al-Gharaf according to some objective and impressionistic indicators. In order to promote the city’s service reality and its development in a way that achieves the well-being of its residents, according to the map of the sectoral classification of the city’s residential neighborhoods.

DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10640110

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