Aesthetics Of Absence and Presence in Digitized Audio-Visual Artworks
Author: Dr. Manal Al-Araibi , Dr. Saber Mansour Fariha | Pages: 207-226 |

Received: 24-03-2020        Revised: 28-03-2020         Accepted: 09-06-2020

Abstract: In this paper, we try to study the “aesthetics of the absence and presence” in the “digitalized” artistic work. In this duality (absence and presence), there are complex issues which make it worthy of research and contemplation. In the presence there is absence which doubles its manifestations, and, in the absence, there is presence that makes it a dual structure. In all cases, absence and presence are linked by dualities, and the signal system is “beautiful in structure” and unique in significance. This is what makes aesthetics “manifestation ” not a technical demand nor a subjective desire, but rather an intellectual demand in which art descends the status of “wonderful” and in which thought takes the position of “ideal”.    This study deals with the current development of artistic thought and reflects its ability to create and generate problems that reveal the semantic relationships, invisible through their direct manifestation in the digital artistic impact. It also helps to produce artistic formations based on the duality of presence and absence. We are not going to limit our consideration to digitized art formations, rather, we are going to transcend this duality, with its audiovisual, aesthetic and semantic dimensions.


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