Editorial Board
Duties of the Editor-in-Chief & the Editorial Board
- Declare any conflicts of interest when a manuscript is received for possible publication in IJJA
- Verify the suitability of the submitted manuscript for publication in the journal based on academic and scientific merits only.
- Select expert peer-reviewers – specialized in the manuscript’s subject area who have no conflicts of interest and invite them to evaluate the submitted manuscript and provide their objective and justified recommendations.
- Take extreme care to prevent any disclosure of any data about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers and editorial staff, as appropriate.
- Make a final decision on accepting or rejecting the submitted manuscripts based on the comments and recommendations of the reviewers and communicate that decision to the authors and the reviewers.
- Handle any conflicts, disputes and investigations if ethical misconduct has been reported or observed regarding a submitted manuscript, following the COPE guidelines on good publication practice.
List of Editorial Board
Journal President: Dr. Wafaa Muhanna Mustafa, Jordan
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Abdelghani Enam, Morocco
Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Hala Khalid Najim
Participating Editorial Board
- Prof. Hasan Subhi Hasan Hussein Al-Abass, College of Economics and Administration, Al – Hadbaa University College, Iraq.
- Prof. Mohamed Hassan Daoud, Modern and Contemporary History, University of Genoa, Ital.
- Professor Dr. Rafiaa Ibrahem Al-Hamdani, Financial Management, University of Mosul, Iraq.
- Prof. Hamza Rondi, Public Law, Morocco.
- Professor. Hala Khalid Najim, English Language and Linguistics, University of Mosul, Iraq.
- Prof. Mahmood Shaker Abduleahed, Physiological of pomology, Iraq.
- Assist Prof. Manal Alsmmak, PhD in knowledge management, Postdoctoral/Leadership from Lund University, Sweden, College of Tourism Sciences/Head of Hotel Studies Department/University of Mosul, Iraq.
- Assist Prof. Nadema Ahmed Rahim Al- Jaf, University Knowledge, Specialization in Educational Administration, Iraq.
- Assist Prof. Fouzi Mahmoud Allafi Alhasoumi, Libyan Authority for Scientific Research, Libya.
- Assist prof. Dr. Senaa Abdullah Ali Al-jarjary, Biology /parasitology, University of Mosul, College of Science, Department of biology, Iraq.
- Assist prof. Dr. liqaa khaleel lsmail Yahya Al Ghazali, History of Islam in India and Southeast Asia, Iraq.
- Assist prof. Dr. Hiba Mohammed Hussein Altaai, Department: Business Management Techniques, Northern Technical University / Technical College of Management\Mosul, Iraq.
- Assistant Professor. Dr. Hussein Norrialdeen Ezaat Bayraktar, Ph.D Industrial management/Operation & Production Management, Northern Technical University, Iraq.
- Assistant Professor. Dr. Maysoon Mohammed Ali, University of Baghdad/College of Education, Ibn Rushd/Methods of teaching geography.
- Assistant Professor. Dr. Nibras Hussein Mahawish. College of Mass Communication/University of Baghdad Specialization in Arabic language, Iraq.
- Lecturer. Dr lman Altemimi, History Islamic, Iraq.
- Lecturer Dr. Hiyam Hassan Zabr Al-Mousawi, strategic planning, Business Administration, University of Kufa, Iraq.
- Dr. Aseel Abdul-Sattar Hajim, Modern and Contemporary History, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
- Dr. Hind Brigui, Applied Linguistics and Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco.
- Dr. Labeeb Ali Mahmoud Abuaqeel, Private Law- Business Law, Palestine.
- Dr. Reem Mohammad Teab Alhafode, Arabic language, Modern Literature, Iraq.
- Dr. kaoutar hani, PhD in Legal and Political Sciences, specializing in Private Law from the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez – Morocco
- Dr. Hamid Sfeih Ajrash Al-Rikabi, In Human Geography, University of Basra, Iraq.
- Dr. Ala’a Zaid Alkhalafat, Arabic language, Linguistic studies, Jordan.
- Dr. Samah Yousef Abu Riash, Grammar and Linguistics, Rahat Technological School & Lecture at the Teacher Development Center, Palestine.
- Dr. Lecturer Amal Sarhan suleiman alttai, Production and operations management, Iraq.
- Dr. Lecturer Walaa hazem Seltun, Industrial management, Iraq.
- Dr. Lecturer -Wasan khalid Ahmed, -English language studies/discourse analysis, -university of Fallujah/college of Islamic Sciences.
- Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad Jabbar Lewis, Modern and Contemporary History, Ministry of Education, Iraq.
- Assistant Lecturer Marwah Al-Nuaimi, University of Mosul/ College of Islamic Sciences, Iraq.
Issn Online
Impact Factor: (1.705)
International Jordanian journal Aryam for humanities and social sciences; IJJA publishing journal committed towards providing a platform to outstanding scientists and researchers to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of Humanities and Social Sciences. Issued by the Jordanian Center for Research and Studies.
Issn Online (3006-7286) sequential with Issn Online (2706-8455).
The Journal’s website supported the Arabic language with the ISSN number (2706-8455) in the period 2019-2023. The Journal began supporting the English language since the beginning of 2024 and with the ISSN number (3006-7286).