A reading of the most important grammatical books, ancient and modern
Author: Dr. Eaqilat Lieushaby | Pages: 97-113 |

Received: 11-9-2022       Revised: 02-12-2022         Accepted: 11-12-2022

Abstract: This research paper presents in a brief word the reasons for the failure of the old grammarians in codifying the Arabic grammar science in its issues, origins and terminology mainly represented in the misuse of the appropriate scientific method of authorship by filling many issues that are not related to the pure linguistic lesson, which made this science one of the most complex and difficult sciences Linguistically alienated Arabic, so this paper aims to show the most important old and modern attempts that encountered these difficulties to solve them and to draw a soft lesson from it for his understanding emerging from beginners. Did these attempts succeed in providing the learner with basic grammatical knowledge, and did it enable him to cross into specialized scientific grammar?


DOI: https://zenodo.org/records/10721681

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