Received: 24-12-2019 Revised: 09-01-2020 Accepted: 06-03-2020
Abstract: Imam Jabir bin Zaid is considered one of the Muslim scholars knowledgeable about the Qur’an and Sunnah, and he held a prominent position among the major imams among the followers. He is also considered the true founder of Ibadi thought and doctrine, and one of the most prominent scholars of the second half of the first century AH. Imam Jabir bin Zaid was indeed the person who crystallized Ibadhi thought to the point that it became distinct from other Islamic sects. Ibn Ibad was responsible for the call and preachers in various countries, as he gained the trust of his peers for his knowledge and religion, so they would not issue anything except after consulting him. The attribution of the doctrine to Abdullah Ibn Ibad is an accidental ascription caused by some of the verbal and political stances for which Abdullah Ibn Ibad became famous and distinguished, so Ibadism was attributed to him by the Umayyads, so Ibn Ibad was considered the public face of the group and their official spokesman.
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