The Editorial and Peer-Review Processes

  • Upon the receipt of a manuscript, submitted for possible publication in IJJA, an acknowledgement of receipt is conveyed to all co-author(s).
  • Each manuscript is checked against plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication using anti-plagiarism software (iThenticate):
    • If the manuscript fails the plagiarism check, it well be rejected immediately, and the author(s) will not be considered for future publication in IJJA.
    • If the manuscript passes the plagiarism check, it will be preliminarily evaluated by IJJA’s editor-in-chief based on its scientific quality and relevance to the journal’s scope. At this stage, the editorial board may reject the manuscript without further processing if it fails to satisfy either of the aforementioned requirements.
  • If found appropriate, the manuscript will be submitted for double-blind peer-review by at least two reviewers. The potential reviewers are selected by IJJA’s reviewer board, provided that no conflict of interests exists between those reviewers and the manuscript’s author(s).
  • Based on the manuscript’s originality, relevance to the Journal’s scope, significance, novelty of approach, completeness and correctness of proofs, writing clarity, citation of all relevant published work etc., the reviewers are requested to make clear and justified recommendations of one of the following actions:
  1.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Accepted, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Accepted Decision: Accepted〉.
  2.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Accepted with minor revisions, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Decision: Accepted after withdrawal reservations〉.
  3.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Accepted with major revisions, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Decision: Accepted after withdrawal reservations〉.
  4.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted with minor revisions, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Accepted with minor revisions, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Decision: Accepted after withdrawal reservations〉.
  5.   〈 Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Rejected
    , Evaluation of the third reviewer: Accepted Decision: Accepted〉.
  6.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Rejected, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Rejected Decision: Rejected〉.
  7.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted with minor revisions, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Rejected, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Accepted Decision: Accepted after withdrawal reservations〉.
  8.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted with minor revisions, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Rejected, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Rejected Decision: Rejected〉.
  9.   Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted with minor revisions, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Accepted with major revisions, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Rejected Decision: Rejected〉.
  10. Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted with minor revisions, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Accepted with major revisions, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Accepted Decision: Accepted after withdrawal reservations〉.
  11. Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted with major revisions, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Accepted with major revisions, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Decision: Rejected〉.
  12. Evaluation of the first reviewer: Accepted with major revisions, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Rejected, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Decision: Rejected〉.
  13. 〈 Evaluation of the first reviewer: Rejected, Evaluation of the second reviewer: Rejected, Evaluation of the third reviewer: Decision: Rejected〉.
  • If the article is accepted for publication, doesn’t mean that it will appear necessarily in the next number directly, but it will be according to the necessities of publication (numbers of articles due to be published, date of sending of the accepted articles for publication).
  • In case of acceptation of the article with minor or major revisions, a period of 3 months will be offered to the author to correct his article. In case of the above-mentioned deadline expires without any requested modifications are done, an annulation of his article acceptation will be applied, and then it will be automatically rejected.
  •  In case of acceptation of the article for publication by the reviewers, the author shall be contacted in order to fill out the letter of undertaking (don’t publish the article in another journal, furthermore the originality of information it contains) and send it. In case of failure to do so, the publication of the article is undone after the expiry of the duration of one month from the date of author’s correspondence.
  • The author has no right to request to add either other author, a name of a research laboratory, information, or to correct errors or misspelled words, after ending the evaluation operation of the article and accept it for publication. his journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Issn Online

Impact Factor: (1.705)

International Jordanian journal Aryam for humanities and social sciences; IJJA publishing journal committed towards providing a platform to outstanding scientists and researchers to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of Humanities and Social Sciences. Issued by the Jordanian Center for Research and Studies.

Issn Online (3006-7286) sequential with Issn Online (2706-8455).

The Journal’s website supported the Arabic language with the ISSN number (2706-8455) in the period 2019-2023. The Journal began supporting the English language since the beginning of 2024 and with the ISSN number (3006-7286).